£12 for a CPD certified social media manager online course from International Open Academy

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£ 12.00 £ Buy It Now
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£ 12.00 £ Buy It Now

Social media management: Become a social media expert with an online course from International Open Academy. Online course: Work at your own pace with an online course you can do from the comfort of your own home. Promote your business: Learn how to set up social media platforms and the right post for the right platform. Connect with customers: Build brand awareness, increase sales and drive more traffic to your website. Step-by-step learning: Set up your profile, post on social media, use analytics and see how well your posts are performing.

Social Media Manager Online Course

£12 for a CPD certified social media manager online course from International Open Academy

Category: Experiences

£12 for a CPD certified social media manager online course from International Open Academy
£12 for a CPD certified social media manager online course from International Open Academy

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