£18.99 instead of £30 for 12 cans of Chappie Complete Wet Dog Food from Trojan – save 37%

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£ 18.99 £ 30.00 Buy It Now
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£ 18.99 £ 30.00 Buy It Now

Wet Dog Food: Get a super-saver 12 can pack of Chappie adult dog food that provides all the nourishment your dog needs for a naturally healthy diet. Balanced protein and low-fat formula: Chappie Wet Dog Food offers a unique blend of polyunsaturated fatty acids, providing rich protein from white fish, while maintaining the ideal low-fat recipe. Enriched with vitamins and wholegrains: The wet food includes essential vitamins for a perfectly balanced diet and wholegrain cereals providing maximum nourishment, energy-rich starch, and adequate fibre for your dog’s well-being. Great for bones and skin: Chappie Wet Dog Food includes calcium and phosphorus for stronger bones, as well as fatty acids that help dogs develop a healthy, shiny coat. Ideal for sensitive doggy tummies: Chappie Wet Food’s special blend of low fat and dietary fibre ensures easy digestion, even for dogs with digestive issues. Free from common allergens: For risk-free feeding time, Chappie Wet Dog Food is made without eggs, soya, dairy, and red meat. Vet-approved: Developed by the nutritionists and vets of WALTHAM, Chappie Wet Dog Food is widely trusted and recommended by vets for your dog’s natural, healthy diet. 12 cans: You’ll receive 12 cans of wet dog food, each containing 412g of tasty treats for your furry friend.

Chappie Complete Wet Dog Food – 12 Cans!

£18.99 instead of £30 for 12 cans of Chappie Complete Wet Dog Food from Trojan – save 37%

Category: Pets

£18.99 instead of £30 for 12 cans of Chappie Complete Wet Dog Food from Trojan – save 37%
£18.99 instead of £30 for 12 cans of Chappie Complete Wet Dog Food from Trojan – save 37%

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