£9 instead of £99 for an online Home Brewing Beer course from Eventtrix

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£ 9.00 £ Buy It Now
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£ 9.00 £ Buy It Now

What will this course teach me: Explore the art of home brewing, unveiling the ease & thrill it offers. This course unravels the secrets of running a home brewery. Main feature: Delve into ingredient intricacies and their roles in crafting flawless beer, discern how distinct hops release varied flavours, uncovering the key elements to create a truly distinctive batch. Who is this course for: Designed for those intrigued by beer and its brewing process, this course caters to anyone interested in crafting their own unique and signature brews. How is this course structured: Divided into five modules, this course progresses from an initial introduction to beer brewing What do the modules consist of: The modules delve into essential ingredients and brewing techniques, and offer a range of recipes spanning beginner to advanced levels. Certification: Pass module exams to receive a globally recognized proof of completion and validation of your skills. Additional certification and transcript options are available to further enhance your market value. Accreditation: This course is accredited by the International Council for Online Education Standards (ICOES) and Continued Professional Development (CPD) body in the UK.

£9 instead of £99 for an online Home Brewing Beer course from Eventtrix – save 91mms%

£9 instead of £99 for an online Home Brewing Beer course from Eventtrix

Category: Experiences

£9 instead of £99 for an online Home Brewing Beer course from Eventtrix
£9 instead of £99 for an online Home Brewing Beer course from Eventtrix

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