Infrared Sauna & Cryotherapy | Beauty | Offer Price £ 34.00

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£ 34.00 £ 70.000 Buy It Now
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£ 34.00 £ 70.000 Buy It Now

Infrared Sauna: Using light to make heat, an infrared sauna heats your body directly without warming the air around you and have been shown to have positive effects on long lasting-health problems. The Deal: Spend 45-minutes in a health benefiting infrared sauna and cryotherapy chamber. Cryotherapy: Reduce your skin and core temperature by stepping into a cryotherapy chamber and exposing your body to extremely low temperatures. Your body’s natural ‘thermal shock’ will kick-in to give you a multitude of health benefits! Perfect for: Anyone looking to feel rejuvenated and refreshed. Location: Head down to Essex Cryo Clinic in Loughton. Results: Infrared Sauna sessions have been found to increase your metabolism and detoxify your body, coupled with the benefits of cryotherapy which boosts your endorphins, white blood cell count and anti-inflammatory proteins. Valid: Mon – Sun, 8am – 7pm. Infrared Sauna & Cryotherapy | Regional | Living Social | Living Social

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Category: Beauty

Infrared Sauna & Cryotherapy | Beauty | Offer Price £ 34.00

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